Friday, March 23, 2007

Learn Website Traffic From The GURU

"I'm having very poor traffic",
"Nobody is coming to my site",

"I'm frustrated with the number of unique visitors coming to my blog"
"How can I increase my traffic?"

Can you associate the above statement with you? If yes, you need to check out HarpZon. This is the ultimate blog discussing about "IDEAS AND TIPS TO INCREASE WEBSITE TRAFFIC". I stumbled upon Harpzon about three weeks ago. It is a brand new blog packed with various information on techniques to improve website and blog traffic. In addition to that, Mitchell Harpz, a 24 year old good looking lad, a successful entrepreneur (, a dedicated owner of the blog, discussed and shared some of his personal life and blogging experiences. Check out how tasty his breakfast was and some healthy tips which is practical to follow.

For a new site in the blogging world (can be considered blogging industry now!!!), I must say I'm impressed with the number of readers Mitchell managed to attract. In fact he is very generous to compile and give out a free copy of "Blogging Traffic Blueprint". I downloaded the blueprint, comprehend and digested it yesterday. I highly recommend the Blogging Traffic Blueprint for any bloggers having burning desire for better page rank and a flux of traffic.

Mitchell has also introduced a cool and brilliant concept called link love. He gives opportunity to other bloggers to review his blog (positive or negative....anything will do..) and in return, he will provide a back link to the reviewer's blog, which will somehow help to increase traffic.

Harpzon is now one of my favourite blog that I must read everyday (exception if I'm going outstation or vacation or my modem is spoilt). I cannot afford to miss any new multiple content published daily by him. I hope Mitchell will continue posting quality fresh content that will benefit and enriched his loyal hungry readers like me. And I wish him more and more success in future.

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