Friday, May 18, 2007

Thought For the Day

...Evil qualities like desire, anger and hatred may arise in you at times but they should not be allowed to take root in the mind. When someone comes to your doorstep with his baggage, if you receive him and start exchanging pleasantries, he will immediately enter and settle down in your house. On the other hand, if you ignore him completely, he will seek lodging elsewhere. Likewise, when evil thoughts arise, just ignore them. On the other hand, if you entertain them, they will rule over you. When you come across something evil, do not look at it, talk about it or listen to it; just ignore it. You should permit entry into your mind only that which is sacred. Do not allow evil to enter. Only then can you attain peace....

.....Whatever you seek in the external world is present in you. There is nothing outside which is not within. When you open your eyes, you are able to see thousands of heads. Once you close your eyes, you cannot see anyone. From this, it is clear that all that you see with your physical eyes is transient. So long as the physical eyes are functional, you are able to see the world. Once they become non-functional, you cannot see anything. But there is something that you can see whether you open your eyes or shut them. That is Divinity. It is changeless and eternal. It has neither birth nor death. In fact, you are the embodiment the same divine principle. Understand this truth.....

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Paris David said...

It is true -- whenever I start to let negative people or bad thinking come into my life, I remember to replace it with better thinking and more positive people when I can.

Kipas Repair JB said...

That's what we have to do...And that is a skill we have to possess.

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Hi, This is very interesting and useful article. It was very useful for us.

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Hi, it is an wonderful article. Thanks for your time.

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